Boar Zodiac Forecast for Year 2020
Boar Zodiac
As Geng Zi (庚子) year is approaching, let’s take a look at the overall outlook for the Boar 亥 zodiac sign in the brand new year 2020.
- Intelligence Star (文昌)
- Surpassing Path Star (陌越)
- Sickness Charm (病符)
- Death God (亡神)
Outlook for Boar Zodiac Signs in Year 2020
This year it will be a great year for with Boar sign to acquiring new skills and knowledge with the Intelligence star (文昌) for your personal development and benefits for career advancement in the future.
With Sickness Charm Star (病符), you might feel uneasy about your body condition and face minor health issues. If you feel anything unwell, do watch out your daily diet and lifestyle.
As for Death God star, likely you will likely tend to lose your personal stuff or forget stuff easily.
Lastly, Surpassing Path Star (陌越) , might make you feel unsettled or worried due to a change of environment or surroundings. Try to remain positive thoughts and maintain a balance between work & family.