What Is Day Master In Bazi Means?

You maybe wonder what is day master when you are trying to find out more about Bazi. When we talk about Day Master also can be known as 日元 in the Bazi Reading is referring to you. Basically, people or Bazi Consultant will use your Day Master to describe your personality and traits.

Day Master is represented by one from the 10 different Heaven Stems from 5 different Elements.

Where is Day Master located in Bazi Chart?

Day Master is located at the heaven steam under the Day pillar. As you can see under the Day Pillar, it is showing 丁 (Ding) which is the heaven steam for this day master. It also belongs to the fire element.

Day Master Location in Bazi Chart

And you can simply use the Bazi Calculator over here or you can google search for Bazi Calculator to generate your Bazi Chart.

What Do You Need n Bazi Chart?

In order to find out your day master, you need your date of birth & gender in order to calculate and find out your Day Master. Without the date of birth, there is no way to find out what is your day master.


Hope you have a better understanding of what is day master refers to in Bazi. We will be going through all the 10 different heaven stems represent in your day master.

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