Monkey Zodiac Forecast for Year 2020
Monkey Zodiac
What should Monkey (申) zodiac sign do in the upcoming Metal Rat Year for 2020.
- Huge Sha (大煞)
- White Tiger (白虎)
- Back Poking (指背)
- Flying Lian (飞廉)
Outlook for Monkey Zodiac Signs in the Year 2020
For the upcoming Metal Rat Year, Monkey Zodiac will face challenging year
With Huge Sha (大煞) denotes that will be going through an challenging year with might result loss of wealth due to incorrect decision. It is advisable to avoid any gambling or investment.
It would be better to avoid any high-risk activities and travelling as to prevent any accidents or injuries since White Tiger (白虎) Star with Money Zodiac this year.
Back Poking (指背) referring high possibility will have any slanders or rumour about you in your environment.
Lastly for Flying Lian (飞廉), try to take note of surround especially high objects or anything above you as it indicates might fly against you.