Horse Zodiac Forecast for Year 2020
Horse Zodiac
Let’s see how well did the Horse (午) Zodiac Sign fare for the coming Metal Rat Year in 2020.
- Month Emptiness (月空)
- Year Breaker (岁破)
- Great Consumer (大耗)
- Obstruction (兰干)
- Sky Crying (天哭)
Outlook for Horse Zodiac Sign in the Year 2020
For Month Emptiness (月空) will be able to reduce the effects of all positive and negative stars.
Moving to Year Breaker Star (岁破) may encounter unexpected and challenging events.
With Great Consumer (大耗) denotes loss of wealth due to greedy decision. Do think twice before making any impulsive decision.
As for Obstruction star (兰干) meaning you will be facing troubles and obstacles along your way.
Lastly for Sky Crying (天哭) refers to your emotion that will be easily affected. Take it easy, maintain good mental health.